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More Bad Truck Drivers Create Danger on the Highways

bad truck drivers chicago accident attorney

Competition in the Truck Driving Industry is High

There is a dangerous problem on the roads today due to less good truck drivers than in the past, leading to more catastrophic injuries and death. The American Trucking Association reported that the trucking industry is lacking approximately 80,000 drivers because people are not interested in the industry. However, there is not a truck driver shortage, but rather a truck driver retention problem. At the end of 2020, it was estimated that 9 out of every 10 truck drivers for the largest companies are only with that company for a year or less. This creates a very competitive industry, allowing companies to make working conditions worse for drivers and pit truck drivers against each other. As a result, truck drivers are forced to take loads for less pay.

Deregulation of the Truck Driving Industry has Created Unsafe Work Conditions

The trucking industry was deregulated in the 1980’s. From 1977 to 1987, truck driver compensation decreased 44%. Currently, truck drivers make 40% less than truck drivers made in the late 1970’s. Because the rates are so low, truck drivers are forced to be more productive to make a living. This means that truck drivers will have to drive more miles and longer hours, creating unsafe conditions for themselves and other drivers on the road.

Truck Drivers Forced to Work in Unsafe Conditions Cause Crashes

There are more crashes due to this new problem. The truck driver and the company the truck driver works for are responsible for your injuries.

The truck driver is responsible to follow the rules of the road to keep others safe. A truck driver is responsible for causing a crash when driving too fast, distracted driving, and driving for too many hours at a time. The company the truck driver works for is responsible since the truck driver was working for the company at the time of the crash. In other words, the truck driver is an extension, commonly referred to as an agent, of the company. Further, the company is responsible for your injuries if the company has forced the truck driver to work in unsafe conditions.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury from a truck crash, you may be entitled to compensation for what was lost in the crash. This compensation includes medical bills and expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of a normal life, and disability.

If you have lost a family member because of a truck crash, you may pursue a wrongful death claim against the truck driver for the death of your family member. This is called a wrongful death case. The law allows spouses, children, parents, and siblings to pursue wrongful death claims. You must speak to an attorney with experience in wrongful death cases to determine who is the appropriate person to pursue the wrongful death claim.

In a wrongful death case, you are entitled to compensation for the loss of your family member. This compensation includes the loss of the relationship between you and the family member, the grief and sorrow you have experienced, the loss of love and companionship between you and the family member, and the salary or other services the family member gave to you.

Speak to the Chicago Truck Accident Attorneys at Vinkler Law Offices

If you or your family member was involved in an accident with a truck, our Chicago truck accident lawyers are here to provide you with the legal advice and guidance you need. Speak with an experienced attorney before you have any conversation with an insurance adjuster or a claims representative from the truck driver’s insurance company. At Vinkler Law Offices, our injury attorneys have extensive experience helping victims and their families get justice and full and fair compensation for their injuries.

Contact us today for a free consultation and case review.

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