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Truck Accidents

Truck Accidents

Vinkler Law’s Most Significant Cases

July 22, 2024
Vinkler Law’s Most Significant Personal Injury Law Cases A Legacy of Excellence in Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Jerry Vinkler has pursued j…

Steps to Take Following a Truck Jackknife Accident

April 11, 2023
Steps to Take Following a Truck Jackknife Accident There are several types of accidents that can involve trucks, but one of the biggest risks is that …

Facts About Semi-Truck Accidents and Your Legal Rights

January 11, 2022
Facts About Semi-Truck Accidents and Your Legal Rights Most people in the United States spend a lot of time driving on roads, such as going to and f…

When It’s Best to Hire a Truck Accident Attorney

February 7, 2021
When It’s Best to Hire a Truck Accident Attorney It’s essential to seek treatment and recover from injuries following a truck accident, which is oft…

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June 25, 2014
Whiplash From A Car Crash Car crashes cause all types of injuries – one of the most common is known as a whiplash injury.  Whiplash from a car crash, m…
January 9, 2014
Dangers of Distracted Driving The esteemed New England Journal of Medicine recently posted a fun video about the dangers of distracted driving.  While …
December 10, 2013
Four Things You MUST Do After A Motor Vehicle Accident If you are ever involved in a motor vehicle accident or other incident such as a fall in a store…
December 10, 2013
Automobile Safety I was listening the other day to a podcast on the economic website Freakonomics and heard this fascinating history of our love affair…
October 10, 2013
Auto Insurance Coverage Amounts In Illinois, drivers of motor vehicles are required to buy minimum insurance coverage to pay for damages they may cause…
September 20, 2013
Illinois Uninsured Motorist Coverage When buying and reviewing your auto insurance coverage, a very important area to look at are “med pay,” “uninsured…
August 23, 2013
Understanding Auto Insurance Coverage Navigation Of Auto Insurance Coverage It happened to me, again, yesterday. I took a call from someone who was inv…