Tag: law blog
Are You Suffering From Chronic Back Pain?
As personal injury lawyers we have handled many cases for clients that have suffered back injuries. All of these clients have had various treatments, be it surgery, injections, medications or physical therapy. Some have met with more success than others. A few clients have never found relief and live with the pain for the rest of...
An Interesting Look at Medical Errors and Obamacare
An Interesting Look at Medical Errors and Obamacare
I came across this interesting broadcast about Obamacare’s effects on payments to medical care providers. One of the prongs of the new health care plan is to experiment with different pay models. The radio program offers a very interesting look at the health care industry and some of the confusing ways that providers are...
Four Things You MUST Do After A Motor Vehicle Accident
Four Things You MUST Do After A Motor Vehicle Accident
If you are ever involved in a motor vehicle accident or other incident such as a fall in a store or some other occurrence where you sustain an injury, you will hear things from lots of people about what you should or should not do. While no two situations are the same, a few of the following tips will be useful:
1. Get...
Automobile Safety
Automobile Safety
I was listening the other day to a podcast on the economic website Freakonomics and heard this fascinating history of our love affair with cars and the evolution of their safety over the past 100+ years. One interesting tidbit is that the seat belt was one of the most effective safety advances and also one of the cheapest to develop, but took a long time...
Are Your Social Media Posts Putting Your Case at Risk?
Are Your Social Media Posts Putting Your Case At Risk?
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, Vine, You Tube, etc. Social media is out there in all forms and people are using it daily as they document their lives to their friends and strangers alike.
If you are making a claim for injuries you sustained as a result of someone’s negligence you need to be aware of how that...
Nursing Home Neglect Can Be Due to Inadequate Staffing
Nursing Home Neglect Can Be Due to Inadequate Staffing
Nursing homes in Illinois recently got a grade F by an advocacy group that promotes better care for residents. The main reason for the failing grade is that nursing homes in Illinois fail to provide adequate staffing which affects patient care in numerous and myriad ways.
If you or someone you know is a resident of...
Auto Insurance Coverage Amounts
Auto Insurance Coverage Amounts
In Illinois, drivers of motor vehicles are required to buy minimum insurance coverage to pay for damages they may cause to others while driving. The minimum coverage required is $20,000 per person, $40,000 total per accident.
That means for any given accident, the total amount of coverage available to any one person injured by a driver...
Illinois Uninsured Motorist Coverage
Illinois Uninsured Motorist Coverage
When buying and reviewing your auto insurance coverage, a very important area to look at are “med pay,” “uninsured coverage” and “underinsured coverage” These are items that we are all required to pay for by your insurance company and the State of Illinois, unless you specifically decline the coverage. I’ll explain each of these terms...
Understanding Auto Insurance Coverage
Understanding Auto Insurance Coverage
Navigation Of Auto Insurance Coverage
It happened to me, again, yesterday. I took a call from someone who was involved in a car accident. It wasn’t his fault, but he was really out of luck with regard to having his damages covered. Why? The other person didn’t have any insurance. The guy who called me couldn’t drive his car because of...